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Music Groups
Elementary Students

Music Class


In this mixed age and abilities class, children and a caregiver will explore music by playing instruments, moving to music, reading musical stories, and by bringing their own joy of music to the group. All musical activities are focused on supporting social and emotional development such as emotional regulation, impulse control, turn taking, and leadership skills. Caregivers and parents will also learn ways to incorporate music at home with their children!


Goal Areas:

  1. Explore music in a safe, nurturing environment with peers and adults of varying ages and abilities

  2. Practice social and emotional skills such as regulation, impulse control, turn taking, and leadership skills

  3. Learn new ways to use music at home to support healthy relationships, transitions, and activities.


Session Plan Outline:

4:30-4:40 Welcome song(s) and instrument exploration

4:40-4:50 Active music making and instrument of the day

4:50-5:05 Social skills and turn taking

5:05-5:15 Wind down and goodbye​

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